Saturday, May 4, 2013

Feeling great, but cautiously.

So, I am 9 weeks along today. I have not had much of anything that resembles morning sickness. I have had a few moments of, okay my stomach feels a little weird, but nothing to where I am like, oh my god get me to a toilet right now. I feel fine. It's freaking me out. Is it weird to say that I almost want to feel sick just so I can be reassured that everything is fine?! Yes, it is weird. I am a total freak.

I have had a few dizzy spells, I am exhausted, and certain things just don't sound good to me. Like fish and broccoli and sometimes the smell of ketchup grosses me out. My boobs feel bigger. And my stomach is like one big mess! It's like, am I showing already or is that just bloat? I am a tiny woman at only 4'9 and normally around 108-110 lbs. My pants are way tight and I will admit, I have been wearing belly bands and maternity jeans occasionally already. I have heard you show quicker with each pregnancy, but wow. Forget about trying to hide it at work! Even though I don't work with customers anymore, I still have to wear the stupid uniform and it is not very forgiving. Vertical stripes on yellow in a spandex type material. It is not hot. I look like I've been letting myself go! Haha everyone probably thinks I'm getting fat because it doesn't quite look round yet. It's just kind of like a blob. I haven't exactly gone completely public yet with the news. I want to wait until after my next appointment on the 14th. I will be a few days past ten weeks then. Our families know and close friends, and my boss and assorted coworkers. It is getting hard to hide. But trust me, I am not complaining! When I get that big, huge round belly, I'm going to flaunt it. I will be so proud of that bump.

I think I have become addicted to ultrasounds. It's been three weeks since that last one and I am dying to get another one just for reassurance. To know everything is fine. If I could just throw up once, even... I keep telling myself that with Harper, it wasn't that bad. I only threw up a handful of times and felt sick when my stomach was empty. With Eli, I was hardly sick at all. But I felt funky sometimes. Maybe this baby is taking it easy on me? I just wish I didn't worry so much. I wish I didn't have to worry so much, really. It's putting me on edge, but I am trying my best to stay in good spirits.

Can someone just knock me out until I reach 24 weeks? That would be fabulous, thanks!

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